世界一周ショッピング - Japan to the World




  1. We buy products in developing Countries.
  2. We take the initiative in buying products from poor people.
  3. We show and tell everything we experienced around the world.
  4. We use some profit to help poor children we will meet as we travel.
  5. SHAKEHANDS shops and cooperation shops set Boxes to be donated the old child clothes that people no longer need.
  6. We don't use any fund-raising including the crowdfunding and We just treasure the encounters, friendships, experiences and we keep it going with huge effort to share the huge smiles and happiness to all over the world.


Olá! O meu nome é Takuya e sou o líder do projeto SHAKE HANDS. Durante dois anos fiz uma viagem à volta do mundo e visitei cento e um paises nessa longa jornada como mochileiro.

Vi coisas fantásticas, locais incríveis e conheci pessoas maravilhosas, tanto viajantes como habitantes dos lugares, que ficarão para sempre na minha memória.

Por outro lado conheci muitas pessoas pobres e com vidas muito dificéis.

Creio que a maioria dos mochileiros que viajam por este mundo com pouco dinheiro não têm a possibilidade de ajudar como gostariam os mais necessitados. Eu vivi e senti essa situação na pele.

Após terminar a minha viagem e voltar para o meu país (Japão), todos os dias me lembrava de todas essas pessoas que me pediram ajuda.

Já passou muito tempo desde o fim da minha viagem e tenho duas certezas: a primeira é que quero viajar até ao fim da minha vida e a outra é que quero ajudar as crianças pobres que irei encontrar ao longo do caminho.

Felizmente tive a oportunidade de reunir alguns nostálgicos amigos mochileiros em Tsubame (Nigata) e cada um deles está a trabalhar arduamente em vários projetos. Um deles é dono da GUESTHOUSE TRIANG. Ele mesmo me perguntou: " Queres também fazer algo?".

Foi ai que decidi criar o projecto SHAKE HANDS,

na esperança de que as pessoas se juntem e que assim façamos desaparecer a discriminação neste mundo.


The General Concept
"The Global Marketplace for Travelers"
(Shopping from travel around the world)

Most SHAKE HANDS members experience traveling around the world and discovering the world. The group's activity is based on these backpackers.

Let me explain a bit more. These people travel to many parts of the world with their own backpackers. Because they like to travel freely and without extra supplies.

All goods in the SHAKE HANDS market are bought and purchased by these people from around the world.

The trend in the SHAKE HANDS market is different from other stores that offer similar products.

We travel as a traveler to most parts of the world and buy whatever is lovely and symbolic of that country.

We also travel to deprived and unusual areas so that we can buy unique products in that area.

The SHAKE HANDS group plans to deliver products around the world directly to the real customers by using the experience of various travels and crafts from localities around the world. It also inspires customers to buy from a point in the world.

Due to numerous trips by the group, this group has enough information about real poverty in the world, and therefore the problem of global poverty is never hidden from us, which is why we buy the products that are provided by the needy, and never buy products with high sales. In this way, we can make the profit from this market accessible to the children of the unprotected or poorly supervised people who we met around the world.

The SHAKE HANDS band is trying to create a joyful cycle that members of that group are.

We also all share this joy with all the people or needy people who we bought from them, and the customers of this marketplace, as well as the children we need to help them.

The SHAKE HANDS band are working in this field and we will strive to develop this group and share this joy and sense of friendship.



Yamazaki Takuya



Yusuke Hasegawa

Yusuke Hasegawa



Click for listening music




インド🇮🇳で1人旅を経験し、現地で暮らしている人々の生活や文化、価値観に興味を持ち、青年海外協力隊でバングラデシュ🇧🇩・フィジー🇫🇯に行き、現地の人と共に生活をする。 その後、中南米を放浪。

日本に戻り、人に元気を与えられるようなゲストハウスを始めようと物件探してをしていたところ、パラグライの宿で出会ったTakuyaさんから連絡があり、SHAKE HANDSの構想について聞かせてもらった。






 members  translators