そしてSHAKE HANDS のコンセプトの一つに「途上国の支援に繋がる活動をする」があります。
勿論そうした事でその地域に潤いを与えた事はとても素晴らしい事です。ただ一つ残念に思う事は本来は貧しくても幸せな生活をしていた現地の人々の中には観光客が来すぎる事により観光客を騙してお金を取ろうと考える人が増えてそれが当たり前になってしまった地域もある事でした。そこでSHAKE HANDS からは観光地などのすでに多くの人から情報が発信されている地域の事は発信せず、観光地ではない地域での旅のダイヤリーを中心に発信していきます。そして私達の発信によって無名の地域が観光地化されてしまい今ある現地の人々の生活を壊す原因をつくらないためにアクセス方法は基本的には載せませんがブロガーでもガイドでも無くSHAKE HANDS からは今も昔も変わらないローカル地域を旅する楽しさを少しでも多くの旅人達に伝えていけたらなと思います。
Long time ago, there were many hard places for tourist to go but it’s becoming a change little by little in this era . now tourist can go almost everywhere in the world if you have cost and enough time easyer than before .
And we can get many informations from internet, guidebooks , travel tours ,TV information or more in this era . It’s very good things to make a safe travel for tourist. I really hope it .
And SHAKE HANDS has some concepts , one of them that we work for developing countries.
Then If we want to travel abroad safe we should get enough informations and one of the informations in it is we use travellers blogs on internet .I feel we can use Wi-Fi every countries to get much informations and tease informations should help many tourists,backpackers , helpfully and kindly .
Because many blogers show details and ways how you can go to your destination .
But in the opposite sight, it makes tourists going to only famous places that blogers show . It is good things for locals too , because tourist use money but sometimes it brake local life style .
It means there are many local areas around the world. I felt some locals doesn’t need tourists so much because they have a original local lifestyle from long time ago but the more people makes tease unfamous areas into famous areas the more tourist coming to tease areas a lot And it brings many business and foreign tourist and it build many hotels, restaurant, tour companies or more , some tease business by foreigners change local lifestyle . I think occasionally It is very good things that some locals can get jobs but we feel what to develop tease areas too much will brake their lifestyle because the more foreign tourists comes these area for trip , it sometimes change locals into bad because some locals start to steel something from tourist and deceive tourist, because they understand what to deceive tourist is easy way to get money .i saw people in unfamous areas who are still very pure and there are many poor locals but they feel happy always in it more than we think, so we don’t hope to bring so much tourist to like that areas by our travel diary like some blogers then SHAKE HANDS decided that we generally don’t tell the exact way not to brake local lifestyle someday . But SHAKE HANDS just hopefully tell and recommend travelling in unfamous areas to enjoy with locals all over the world .