SHAKE HANDS の買い付け活動はリーダーであるTakuya が旅を通して偶然繋がった信頼できる旅人達やNPO 関係の仲間達。そしてTakuya の事を昔から良く知る新潟県魚沼の仲間達の善意をルーツにし行われています。
The activity of SHAKE HANDS to buy productions in developing countries consist of Takuya’s backpacker friends and Takuya’s childhood friends and NPO friends.
Some members in the SHAKE HANDS loves to shop, some member wanna do charity activity, they each has various mind each but they each work in the faith .
We are trying to make a cycle that we buy products from poor people and we sale them
in Japan and if we found good products which is popular, we wanna offer poor people to remake them to give work and also we use some profit to poor children while we travel .